We’re hiring – Säkerhets- och riskansvarig

We’re hiring – Säkerhets- och riskansvarig

Baltic Cable länkar samman elnäten i Europa med en kabel på havsbotten som transporterar el mellan Sverige och Tyskland. Baltic Cable bidrar till att trygga elförsörjningen, underlättar samhällets elektrifiering, den gröna omställningen samt bygger på EU:s fundament...
We’re hiring – Legal Counsel

We’re hiring – Legal Counsel

The electrification of our societies is growing in momentum. That requires a convenient network of electricity wherever we are. One of EU’s top priorities is a reliable, interconnected electricity network covering Europe. Become part of a unique and exciting...
Baltic Cable celebrates two years as a TSO

Baltic Cable celebrates two years as a TSO

Two years ago, Baltic Cable AB became certified as a transmission system operator in Germany according to the provisions of the German energy act. This role introduced new requirements on Baltic Cable and enabled it to take part in shaping the European energy...