We’re hiring – Säkerhets- och riskansvarig

We’re hiring – Säkerhets- och riskansvarig

Baltic Cable länkar samman elnäten i Europa med en kabel på havsbotten som transporterar el mellan Sverige och Tyskland. Baltic Cable bidrar till att trygga elförsörjningen, underlättar samhällets elektrifiering, den gröna omställningen samt bygger på EU:s fundament...
We’re hiring – Legal Counsel

We’re hiring – Legal Counsel

The electrification of our societies is growing in momentum. That requires a convenient network of electricity wherever we are. One of EU’s top priorities is a reliable, interconnected electricity network covering Europe. Become part of a unique and exciting...
Baltic Cable becomes a full member of SDAC

Baltic Cable becomes a full member of SDAC

Today, Baltic Cable has become a full participating member of the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC) cooperation, joining 31 other Transmission System Operators (TSOs) and 17 National Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs). Baltic Cable’s capacity has been already...